Visual Storytelling

Cross-pollinating film, animation, games and comics

Herein is the complete, unedited version of Visual Storytelling: The Art & Technique, originally published by Watson-Guptill/Random House. This book cross-pollinates film, animation, interactive games and comics to inspire artists when transcending the written word into visual media.

The unedited version was double the published size. This size is without the Harlan Ellison introduction and the special Jim Steranko section (not included here).

Why Free?

This entire book is free to all to keep the creative mind active and prolific in the midst of the publishing, producing, distributing and marketing chaos. This is also for everyone who ever worked, wished to work and never had the chance to work for NOW Comics 1985 - 1994.

If you wish the purchase a copy of the special Harlan Ellison and Jim Steranko edition, you can find them used online or a special signed-and-numbered hardcover edition from Vanguard Publications.